One week ago, I sat down at my desk and wrote on a deck of flash cards 100 things that I could do in the next 5 years to help the growth and production of the efforts here at Detroit Hope. I let Mike Slupinski, friend and missionary coordinator, look them over. I am excited about having that imput because he really had a connection to the church plant here when he was thinking about these because it gave me a new list of goals to reach for. We worked out two piles, one if we could do this in the next six months, and the other pile, 6 months-5 year plan. I am going to post the first ones here now, and later when we do some more planning and discernment, then we we will come up with some more to post.
- Clean and Repair Font because our team has been praying for Baptisms.
- Work on Construction of an in-ground grill.
- The built in grill would be an outreach tool to the seniors and people of the community.
- See if the church speakers still work in the sanctuary.
- Sell or remove Pianos and Organs that are not working.
- Post a Sign outside.
- Put up a Basketball Goal Outside with retaining fence.
- Work on a Job Description for a part time employee.
- Get people to pray for Baptisms and bringing people to Jesus Christ.
- Remove Unneeded Refuge from Old Congregations.
- Find responsible members for future indigenous leadership.
- Purchase and learn about more Gospel Music to use in worship.
- Work on a Visiting Team, or rotating schedule for extensive visiting.
- Work on building a Prayer Chain / Group to pray intentionally for this congregation.
- Make the Church Visually Pleasing
- Sell or Donate Choir Music.
- Get Church ready for mission trips to come to Detroit Hope.
- Write down some of my successes and techniques for this type of urban ministry.
- Use Seventies in the area, get help from more of them than just Mike Slupinski, and help them feel called to the area.
- Help Jackuline and the Community Technology Center director start adult computer classes to provide outreach, and community services.
- Leadership from Youth in Detroit Hope that can find some ownership, enough to even invest themselves in being priesthood someday.
- Send out bids for cleaning services then hire one of them.
- Buy and keep a water cooler accessable.
- Work with Margaret or work on future kitchen remodel.
- Work on Sound Equipment to get it up and running for church services.
- Artwork fundraising for church.
Just so the reader knows, these are hopes and dreams for the next six months, some of them might be for a later date than that, like the sign and the hoop, because frankly with as cold as it has been, we may not be able to get below the frost line soon, because of how cold it has been getting at the church and up here recently. All are worth praying about, and all would bring worthy ministry to this congregation. Our hope is to get a lot of the goals to be realities someday.
Posted by Jacob
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