Thursday, November 09, 2006

So A long time coming the conclusion of the Halloween Party Festivities.

We had over 100 people, new people, families, children, and good interested people coming into the church, the Cake walk was a huge hit, Thank you Lamoni P.T.A. for introducing that one to me. When I planned this activity I thought back to those P.T.A. Carnivals of my childhood, and I remembered how the kids could not get enough of those cup cakes as prizes on the cake walk. I remembered that, the airwalk, and the dunk tank, and this was the least fuss and most enjoyable. These Urban kids and folks from michigan had never even considered a cake walk to be as fun as it was. I cut out paper pumkins about feet sized 15 of them, and drew carved out looking numbers on them. I taped them in a circle on the floor and played creepy sounding halloween music. When the music stopped, I drew a number out of a bag, and when a person won the event, then they were out for that round, so they could eat their cupcake. That opened up a slot for someone new from the croud around to jump in and take their place. Parents were involved, small children that had to take two or three steps between pumpkins, and everyone loved it. We went through 48 cupcakes pretty quick, I think we had 7 rounds of people. No idea how many people were involved in just that game.

So in the last post I talked about pumpkin carving. That was great, and a suprize like I said. I bought 30 pumpkins and 17 of them got carved, 3 more got painted, and 5 more got these potatoe head looking eyes poked into them. so we only had five left when we were done. Pretty good. I bet our dumpster was a little more heafty this week.

Overall a huge blessing, and what an impact was made in that short time. Halloween was safer and more fun because of the ministry we provided here that night.

1 comment:

Carman said...

Hey Jacob, Good job, Buddy! I loved reading about your halloween party and all your other faith stories. What a difference you are making for those children and youth by bringing an awareness of the presence of Jesus into their lives. Hooray! I haven't taken time to catch up on your blog for a while, but I think of you often, and send my love. Keep up the good work! Yeah, Jesus!