Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Yesterday, October 30th, 2006

Jerry, Barb and I sat down and hashed out some great progress on writing a Grant for world church. I came home on a high from the spirit working in that meeting, and as if prayer couldn't answer any more that day, it did. My mom called, and even though that is exciting, she said, I have some news for you. Lamoni congregation, with the direction of Tom Morain has raised enough for your congregation to get a washer and dryer combo to put in the church.

Some backstory, it seems like just yesterday, I ran into Tom in the commons at CLW. He said, "If your ever feel like you need something that would help in the ministry you are providing there, just let us know and I will start to work on it." So about 2 or more weeks ago, I emailed him, with the news about this blog, and some current stories I had for him about the ministry happening. The turn around on this story has been amazing, WHAT A MIRACLE they have PROVIDED!!! I am so proud of the congregation I hail from. They have made a big impact. Anyone from there that might be reading this, be sure to ask Rachel when we are in town again, I jumped up and down, and said "God is sure good!!!!" FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

But what you ask am I going to use this for? Well part of my interest in a washer and dryer, is that we have facilities to house a clothing closet, and a need to provide the community with warm clothing in the winter time. 3 weeks ago I think it has been now, October 14th anyway, we had a dime sale, I talked about that in an earlier testimony. The outreach it provided really made an impact with our neighbors in restoration towers, and our community at large because we were providing a service. A comforting service to people that really matter in this community, citizens, family, friends, peacemakers, and folks that may be struggling. This washer will do more than just clean clothing for our closet, it will allow us to help members with their laundry, providing ministry that way, also clean towels and rags when we provide meals here in our church kitchen, along with many other ministries that will present themselves.
This is a huge blessing and I thank you all!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Halloween Party-Coming to Detroit Hope

This Tuesday, Halloween Night, we have the great priveledge to host trick or treating festivities. It all came together something like this. About three weeks ago, one of the kids from the congregation asked "what are we doing for halloween Jacob?" I said, " I don't know, we need to plan something shouldn't we?" Having a yup response, I went and thought about it a while. I knew that John Barrett had helped before, and I wondered if he had any ideas for me. I called him and he said, "Jacob I was just going to call you," " And he said he would ask around and find some candy donations from people in congregations. To all you annonymous donors, thank you, and I am sure John will thank you, but the current count to date, he said he has 25 bags of candy. This is a huge blessing, and we will outreach to so many folks. If your still going to donate, don't be detered by this blog I am just singing your praises. We can use all the candy we can get. Providing a safe place in Detroit for trick or treating will be a great example for the community. So, then I got thinking, what else could we do??? how could we do more???? Then I called around, asked Mike at church, asked various others, and then asked Austin, where could I get quite a few pumpkins for the kids to paint on and carve?? He and his co-worker friend recommended Meijer. I thought, great, its close, I could use program dollars, and I bet this week there is slim pickin, and maybe a cut in price, I was right on both counts, and there were enough, I thought, to fill the back of my Jeep, and I did pretty well in price. One thing that was awesome about the ones I found there, was the size!! They were nearly perfect. As I loaded 24 lbs pumkin, then heavier, then heavier, I thought, how are these kids ever going to carry these as far as they walk to church????? So I started searching for smaller, smaller, smaller, each time looking for smaller ones, to be both cute and something they could take home and show their parents, or leave, and it wouldn't be that far or much to the dumpster. We got those non cut pumpkin carving kits, and scrapers, and I bought my favorite designing tools a package of sharpie markers, and I think we have the beginings of a great halloween event. Don't worry, we won't do anything to scare anyone, this will be more of a cellebration, and a safe environment to help support the safe activities of Angels Night here in Detroit. If you are passing out candy this halloween, think about us, and send a prayer of blessing our way to have a blessed evening in our outreach ministry. It should be fun. --Jacob

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Report on Pizza Church

Yesterday, Wednesday October 25th, we had Pizza Church, and it was outstanding!!! We talked about Esther and read from the Illustrated Bible, and shared what else we knew about the story. I asked if any of the kids knew the name of the new movie that represents Esthers life and story we learned about. None of them did, but not a lot of people know about it either. The name of the movie is "One night with the King" and I have not yet seen it.

The real exciting victory that happened was that the kids really retained the story and the lesson, because we asked questions, focused on good answers and sharing it with others by speaking up, and Mike drove some really good points home. Then a man came in, and said, I need to talk with you Jacob. I stepped outside with him, and he told me a story about how he had not made his rent payment, and was now homeless until he could find another place to live. He told me that the area agency on aging could make arrangements, but he was so depressed he needed someone to talk to. He continued to say that I was one of the only ones he knew that would really listen and wouldn't judge. This really made me feel good inside as a servant of Jesus. I continued to listen, and he told me about his wife, and his time in the vietnam, and his loss of his wife, It sounded like she died of some terminal illness, although he never illuded to what that was, I really felt for him. He told me also, that one of the places he could move was all the way over on the east side. He could move there, but they don't have a meal program like our restoration towers did. He told me that he would have to keep on top of his income, and not buy drugs nor alchohol, he illuded then that that was the reason he didn't make his rent payment. I knew that there was not much case for going back to restoration towers because they had given him more chances than he knew what to do with. He continued to talk about how lonely he was, and how good it was to talk to someone about this. He said he wanted to come back and talk with me again, and when he said that, I reacted with a quick thought, almost given to me as inspiration, and I think it was the spirit working in me. I grabbed the paper sign on the door of the church, peeled the tape off, and gave our back door sign to him. It had all the times I am in the church, when our activities where, and when he could find me. It also had times when I would be in the neighborhood, and when he could reach me and I would be within walking distance. It also had my cell phone number on it. I was compelled to give it to him, by a strong power, and then I said, " You know there is someone else here for you besides me, Someone who looks after you and is always with you." He asked, who, and he guessed "Rachel," I said "that was a good guess, and that was true" But I said, "Jesus." I could tell it effected him. Then I let that moment rest, it was nice, and I felt him absorb that. I said, "I am here, but he is the one the one you can pray to always." He then talked about how he is strong, but the Depression gets to him. We talked about how Jesus lifts us up and how he can make us stronger and last longer than we ever could alone. At this point he started to tear. I said, "You can come and talk, or call me anytime, and before you go I want to pray with you." In the prayer, I asked God to send his best angels to look after him, to lift him up to give him strength, to find Allies that God has placed here on earth to help him, to know that there are people out there that will help him at any time. I reminded him that God would put those people in his path, and those angels would direct him, if he was willing to look and listen. I assured him that I was here, and there would be others, and that Jesus our God would share all the love that would sustain him, and connect him to the good memories, and remember the good times. He did say thank you, and tears were streaming down, and he said I had forgotten that I was a child of God, I have not prayed in a long time. He said Amen Brother, and I will be back.

What a experience!!
Thought it was worth sharing.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Detroit Hope Summer Camp
by Rachel Blakesley
The past five weeks at Detroit Hope have been a whirlwind of fun, games, food, learning, and laughter, and there's still one week left!
With 82 kids and teenagers on the attendance sheets, it certainly has felt like a whirlwind. We start each morning out with a Peacemaking class and lunch that is provided by Restoration Towers. Then we split up into Drama, Dance, and Cooking classes. Each of these classes is taught by community volunteers that have graciously given the bulk of their summer to help the neighborhood kids. One of them is a wonderful intern, Ciemantha Stubblefield, who came all the way from Oklahoma to help us out this summer!
In the Drama class, we have been learning about controlling our emotions, creative thinking, and other performance skills. We should record some of the skits the campers have come up with because they will keep campfire goers laughing for years. The Dance class has been working hard on a routine to share with us at the end of the camp.
Some of the staff are going to take the Dance class, but we will have to wait until the campers aren't around or the 11 year olds will show us up! For now, we like to help out with the Cooking class so we can have smoothies, banana pudding, stir-fry, and many other tasty treats. After those classes, the campers enjoy past times such as dodge ball, baseball, and kickball during Recreation.
We settle down in Arts and Crafts and make construction paper masterpieces, t-shirt treasures, and awesome clay creations. The day ends with some computer training and great snacks. Every two weeks we go on an awesome field trip – we've been to Crossroad Village and the Detroit Zoo already!
All of this is made possible by an Old Newsboys Goodfellows Grant. Huge thanks go out to them!
New contacts through the camp gave us a record number of 42 people at Pizza Church on Wednesday night. Yay, God! We have been very blessed this summer and many persons’ lives have been touched.
The camp is almost over but we have activities here at Detroit Hope almost every day throughout the year. Call Pastor Jacob Blakesley at 313-515-8955 and join us in the transforming of lives. Who knows, you may even be the one who is transformed!

Here is some picturea of our Detroit Hope Murals that the kids have helped with since we have been together.
In reading over yesterday's blog entries, I know that there are some historical stories, that I should share with all those who read from this blog. Being a year into this ministry, it still feels like yesterday. - - Jacob

Hello, my name is Jacob Blakesley. I am originally from Lamoni, Iowa. I have come to Detroit because of a calling that I felt, when I came here in the summer of 2004. I worked with then pastor John Atkinson, and I felt the mission and the excitement of this needs based social ministry of church planting. I had been to Chattanooga previously through a winter term with Jimmy Munson, and have searched for something different than the traditional worship style. I believe we haven’t gone far enough with our reach yet. Church planting really is a lifestyle, about going to where people are, making the initial contact, following up with a second and additional meetings, and really establishing a relationship, that our name proclaims. I had the privilege to apply to be a church planter at the same congregation that I worked with for World Service Corps, and I really wanted to come back. I was distracted during my studies at Graceland, because I wanted to serve somewhere else, in a missionary ministry.
My family was concerned, because we have all been from “safe” places, and my mother and father were concerned that I would be 1000 miles from their reach of helping me. The day after baccalaureate my father passed away due to a heart attack at the age of 55. We had services that week, and over 2000 people came to the funeral, supporting him, and celebrating his life. I could have decided to run from this ministry, because it would have been easy, but I decided to get away and pray. As soon as graduation at Graceland was over, I went to Florida with my fiancĂ© where she lives, and her family invited me to go camping. While we were there I prayed every day, and I asked for direction, and healing. Next for Memorial Day weekend, Rachel, Gabriel her brother, and I went up to Chattanooga for their weekend reunion. While I was there, I was administered to during a healing service, and in that administration, I felt as though my dad finally understood the calling I felt, and now, since he was in my heart, and beyond, he could be with me in Detroit. I talked with some church folks, and decided, I would call Jerry and Ed, and interview for this church planting position during the World Conference, in the beginning of June. I hitched a ride with the Chattanooga, and Mid South Region, up to independence, and I applied for the job because of the calling I felt. Ever since that administration, I have felt like my family is supporting me, how ever far it may be, and the allies that have been bolstered here and at headquarters and all over the domestic region, I have been supported through any struggle.
Since then, I was hired in July, and trained for three months in Chattanooga with Jimmy Munson, Kenny Alcorn, Jared Munson, Faith Johnson, and Steve Kohler. Just to mention a few. I have been onsite in Detroit since October and I have been working, networking, contacting, and investing, and diving in to all of the opportunities, and resource gathering I can muster. Now I am pleased to report,
I have some good news from the life of the church plant in Detroit. I wanted to just tell you a few little things about the prayers answered in the Detroit area.
The Bible Study at the Restoration towers has brought the church outreach into the community. The Restoration towers has been grounded and supported by the Community of Christ, for nearly 25 years in 2006, and the residents know that what we are doing is positive and helps them. Just sharing in a once a week bible study, has been a great outreach tool, because their families and friends live close in the community, they have been doing outreach for me. Perfect strangers, people I have never seen nor contacted before are coming forward and saying "reverend blakesley" and I think that is just too formal, so I turn and meet and greet who I am responding to, and then tell them about the church and the ministry, and a brief what we are doing for the community and then, I correct them, and when they ask for my name again, I say you can call me Jacob, or Pastor, and I always say, come by and see me, and give them my card. This has turned many people into great follow up contacts.
On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, from four to six on Tuesdays and Thursdays and ten to one on Saturdays, we have been having tutoring for the elementary school children, especially the 3-5th grades. This is a great outreach tool, that has been funded by the generous re-financing of the Restoration Towers Retirement Home, and Sandy Trombley and Jackuline McKinney run this program, and we have numerous other volunteers, because I want to be involved for the ministry of presence, and I also want to build relationships with great missionaries that these kids can be. So far 25 kids have come from 60 invitations, from the elementary school, and we have an active group, and I feel like they are contacts, and a social ministry that is growing daily. I know all of their names, hobbies, talents, and already who tries to pull tricks, and I feel like connections, and lives are being changed for the better.
For the daily ministry I was a bit discouraged about whether I would be able to reach some of the contacts I remembered from the summer I was in Detroit for World Service Corps until Saturday, when I broke the ice with one such leader from the congregation before, and she welcomed me with a hug, and asked me interesting questions about how much I was committed, and when she approved she gave me a high five, and said, “I will tell the group at school.” I thought it would have been great just having her tell a few, but when two days later, the church had 17 former congregants, and 25 for tutoring, I realized how many I had seen, and contact base, and potential this had for missionary outreach, and identity, and a future here in the church plant, and the neighborhood, I just was
Over-whelmed with joy, hope, and driven with mission and love. My Calling was evident. Because of the outreach efforts of Katrina Bradley, and others she
contacted, Pizza Church happened this Wednesday, the 8th, progress is happening, it is building itself and prayers are being answered. I feel like these folks were waiting for the time when our church would return and bring the same community of love and hope back to Detroit. It brings me Joy and Peace, seeing this community alive again.
With over 300 contacts, and 42 active outreaching youth, this is a thriving
Missionary blessing. Each of you has had and will have a hand in the work that has helped this congregation to live again. Through mentoring, training, support, kind words, encouragement, discussion, behind the scenes, ever supporting, nurturing, answering a question, affirming, sustaining, blessing, and having been witness to this, and your continual prayers are appreciated. We can do it by helping each other, and giving testimony to what has been successful. This is our time to step up and never give up for the ministry of the future.

This was the testimony of how I got to be here. In Detroit in a calling I have really felt, and I feel that we are moving as the spirit has allowed.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Goals for 6 months
One week ago, I sat down at my desk and wrote on a deck of flash cards 100 things that I could do in the next 5 years to help the growth and production of the efforts here at Detroit Hope. I let Mike Slupinski, friend and missionary coordinator, look them over. I am excited about having that imput because he really had a connection to the church plant here when he was thinking about these because it gave me a new list of goals to reach for. We worked out two piles, one if we could do this in the next six months, and the other pile, 6 months-5 year plan. I am going to post the first ones here now, and later when we do some more planning and discernment, then we we will come up with some more to post.
  1. Clean and Repair Font because our team has been praying for Baptisms.
  2. Work on Construction of an in-ground grill.
  3. The built in grill would be an outreach tool to the seniors and people of the community.
  4. See if the church speakers still work in the sanctuary.
  5. Sell or remove Pianos and Organs that are not working.
  6. Post a Sign outside.
  7. Put up a Basketball Goal Outside with retaining fence.
  8. Work on a Job Description for a part time employee.
  9. Get people to pray for Baptisms and bringing people to Jesus Christ.
  10. Remove Unneeded Refuge from Old Congregations.
  11. Find responsible members for future indigenous leadership.
  12. Purchase and learn about more Gospel Music to use in worship.
  13. Work on a Visiting Team, or rotating schedule for extensive visiting.
  14. Work on building a Prayer Chain / Group to pray intentionally for this congregation.
  15. Make the Church Visually Pleasing
  16. Sell or Donate Choir Music.
  17. Get Church ready for mission trips to come to Detroit Hope.
  18. Write down some of my successes and techniques for this type of urban ministry.
  19. Use Seventies in the area, get help from more of them than just Mike Slupinski, and help them feel called to the area.
  20. Help Jackuline and the Community Technology Center director start adult computer classes to provide outreach, and community services.
  21. Leadership from Youth in Detroit Hope that can find some ownership, enough to even invest themselves in being priesthood someday.
  22. Send out bids for cleaning services then hire one of them.
  23. Buy and keep a water cooler accessable.
  24. Work with Margaret or work on future kitchen remodel.
  25. Work on Sound Equipment to get it up and running for church services.
  26. Artwork fundraising for church.

Just so the reader knows, these are hopes and dreams for the next six months, some of them might be for a later date than that, like the sign and the hoop, because frankly with as cold as it has been, we may not be able to get below the frost line soon, because of how cold it has been getting at the church and up here recently. All are worth praying about, and all would bring worthy ministry to this congregation. Our hope is to get a lot of the goals to be realities someday.

Posted by Jacob

This weekend, I felt the missionary bug as Bob Kyser, Mike Slupinski, Deb Crowley, Barb Borkowski and I all talked about the future of Detroit Hope as a congregation. We talked about how we could apply for grants from World Church, share some designated giving from the Mission Center, and have some new ministries begin here. All thanks to the new ideas flowing out of this meeting we had friday. Then, just when I was on fire, we had a great missionary team weekend in Howell at this nature retreat center. It was very awesome. I was so excited throughout I could not contain myself. I was too excited. Now that the weekend is over, I am trying to find a way to implament every idea that is flowing into my head. I believe the spirit has given me the gift of inspiration after this event. Hopefully Detroit Hope will feel the blessings that bear fruit from these thoughts.