In reading over yesterday's blog entries, I know that there are some historical stories, that I should share with all those who read from this blog. Being a year into this ministry, it still feels like yesterday. - - Jacob
Hello, my name is Jacob Blakesley. I am originally from Lamoni, Iowa. I have come to Detroit because of a calling that I felt, when I came here in the summer of 2004. I worked with then pastor John Atkinson, and I felt the mission and the excitement of this needs based social ministry of church planting. I had been to Chattanooga previously through a winter term with Jimmy Munson, and have searched for something different than the traditional worship style. I believe we haven’t gone far enough with our reach yet. Church planting really is a lifestyle, about going to where people are, making the initial contact, following up with a second and additional meetings, and really establishing a relationship, that our name proclaims. I had the privilege to apply to be a church planter at the same congregation that I worked with for World Service Corps, and I really wanted to come back. I was distracted during my studies at Graceland, because I wanted to serve somewhere else, in a missionary ministry.
My family was concerned, because we have all been from “safe” places, and my mother and father were concerned that I would be 1000 miles from their reach of helping me. The day after baccalaureate my father passed away due to a heart attack at the age of 55. We had services that week, and over 2000 people came to the funeral, supporting him, and celebrating his life. I could have decided to run from this ministry, because it would have been easy, but I decided to get away and pray. As soon as graduation at Graceland was over, I went to Florida with my fiancĂ© where she lives, and her family invited me to go camping. While we were there I prayed every day, and I asked for direction, and healing. Next for Memorial Day weekend, Rachel, Gabriel her brother, and I went up to Chattanooga for their weekend reunion. While I was there, I was administered to during a healing service, and in that administration, I felt as though my dad finally understood the calling I felt, and now, since he was in my heart, and beyond, he could be with me in Detroit. I talked with some church folks, and decided, I would call Jerry and Ed, and interview for this church planting position during the World Conference, in the beginning of June. I hitched a ride with the Chattanooga, and Mid South Region, up to independence, and I applied for the job because of the calling I felt. Ever since that administration, I have felt like my family is supporting me, how ever far it may be, and the allies that have been bolstered here and at headquarters and all over the domestic region, I have been supported through any struggle.
Since then, I was hired in July, and trained for three months in Chattanooga with Jimmy Munson, Kenny Alcorn, Jared Munson, Faith Johnson, and Steve Kohler. Just to mention a few. I have been onsite in Detroit since October and I have been working, networking, contacting, and investing, and diving in to all of the opportunities, and resource gathering I can muster. Now I am pleased to report,
I have some good news from the life of the church plant in Detroit. I wanted to just tell you a few little things about the prayers answered in the Detroit area.
The Bible Study at the Restoration towers has brought the church outreach into the community. The Restoration towers has been grounded and supported by the Community of Christ, for nearly 25 years in 2006, and the residents know that what we are doing is positive and helps them. Just sharing in a once a week bible study, has been a great outreach tool, because their families and friends live close in the community, they have been doing outreach for me. Perfect strangers, people I have never seen nor contacted before are coming forward and saying "reverend blakesley" and I think that is just too formal, so I turn and meet and greet who I am responding to, and then tell them about the church and the ministry, and a brief what we are doing for the community and then, I correct them, and when they ask for my name again, I say you can call me Jacob, or Pastor, and I always say, come by and see me, and give them my card. This has turned many people into great follow up contacts.
On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, from four to six on Tuesdays and Thursdays and ten to one on Saturdays, we have been having tutoring for the elementary school children, especially the 3-5th grades. This is a great outreach tool, that has been funded by the generous re-financing of the Restoration Towers Retirement Home, and Sandy Trombley and Jackuline McKinney run this program, and we have numerous other volunteers, because I want to be involved for the ministry of presence, and I also want to build relationships with great missionaries that these kids can be. So far 25 kids have come from 60 invitations, from the elementary school, and we have an active group, and I feel like they are contacts, and a social ministry that is growing daily. I know all of their names, hobbies, talents, and already who tries to pull tricks, and I feel like connections, and lives are being changed for the better.
For the daily ministry I was a bit discouraged about whether I would be able to reach some of the contacts I remembered from the summer I was in Detroit for World Service Corps until Saturday, when I broke the ice with one such leader from the congregation before, and she welcomed me with a hug, and asked me interesting questions about how much I was committed, and when she approved she gave me a high five, and said, “I will tell the group at school.” I thought it would have been great just having her tell a few, but when two days later, the church had 17 former congregants, and 25 for tutoring, I realized how many I had seen, and contact base, and potential this had for missionary outreach, and identity, and a future here in the church plant, and the neighborhood, I just was
Over-whelmed with joy, hope, and driven with mission and love. My Calling was evident. Because of the outreach efforts of Katrina Bradley, and others she
contacted, Pizza Church happened this Wednesday, the 8th, progress is happening, it is building itself and prayers are being answered. I feel like these folks were waiting for the time when our church would return and bring the same community of love and hope back to Detroit. It brings me Joy and Peace, seeing this community alive again.
With over 300 contacts, and 42 active outreaching youth, this is a thriving
Missionary blessing. Each of you has had and will have a hand in the work that has helped this congregation to live again. Through mentoring, training, support, kind words, encouragement, discussion, behind the scenes, ever supporting, nurturing, answering a question, affirming, sustaining, blessing, and having been witness to this, and your continual prayers are appreciated. We can do it by helping each other, and giving testimony to what has been successful. This is our time to step up and never give up for the ministry of the future.
This was the testimony of how I got to be here. In Detroit in a calling I have really felt, and I feel that we are moving as the spirit has allowed.
1 comment:
This is your friend Justin White from Lamoni. I'm trying to track you down to say hi. It sounds like you are doing well and that you are doing a good work. Write me (or call me) and let me know how you're doing.
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