Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Report on Pizza Church

Yesterday, Wednesday October 25th, we had Pizza Church, and it was outstanding!!! We talked about Esther and read from the Illustrated Bible, and shared what else we knew about the story. I asked if any of the kids knew the name of the new movie that represents Esthers life and story we learned about. None of them did, but not a lot of people know about it either. The name of the movie is "One night with the King" and I have not yet seen it.

The real exciting victory that happened was that the kids really retained the story and the lesson, because we asked questions, focused on good answers and sharing it with others by speaking up, and Mike drove some really good points home. Then a man came in, and said, I need to talk with you Jacob. I stepped outside with him, and he told me a story about how he had not made his rent payment, and was now homeless until he could find another place to live. He told me that the area agency on aging could make arrangements, but he was so depressed he needed someone to talk to. He continued to say that I was one of the only ones he knew that would really listen and wouldn't judge. This really made me feel good inside as a servant of Jesus. I continued to listen, and he told me about his wife, and his time in the vietnam, and his loss of his wife, It sounded like she died of some terminal illness, although he never illuded to what that was, I really felt for him. He told me also, that one of the places he could move was all the way over on the east side. He could move there, but they don't have a meal program like our restoration towers did. He told me that he would have to keep on top of his income, and not buy drugs nor alchohol, he illuded then that that was the reason he didn't make his rent payment. I knew that there was not much case for going back to restoration towers because they had given him more chances than he knew what to do with. He continued to talk about how lonely he was, and how good it was to talk to someone about this. He said he wanted to come back and talk with me again, and when he said that, I reacted with a quick thought, almost given to me as inspiration, and I think it was the spirit working in me. I grabbed the paper sign on the door of the church, peeled the tape off, and gave our back door sign to him. It had all the times I am in the church, when our activities where, and when he could find me. It also had times when I would be in the neighborhood, and when he could reach me and I would be within walking distance. It also had my cell phone number on it. I was compelled to give it to him, by a strong power, and then I said, " You know there is someone else here for you besides me, Someone who looks after you and is always with you." He asked, who, and he guessed "Rachel," I said "that was a good guess, and that was true" But I said, "Jesus." I could tell it effected him. Then I let that moment rest, it was nice, and I felt him absorb that. I said, "I am here, but he is the one the one you can pray to always." He then talked about how he is strong, but the Depression gets to him. We talked about how Jesus lifts us up and how he can make us stronger and last longer than we ever could alone. At this point he started to tear. I said, "You can come and talk, or call me anytime, and before you go I want to pray with you." In the prayer, I asked God to send his best angels to look after him, to lift him up to give him strength, to find Allies that God has placed here on earth to help him, to know that there are people out there that will help him at any time. I reminded him that God would put those people in his path, and those angels would direct him, if he was willing to look and listen. I assured him that I was here, and there would be others, and that Jesus our God would share all the love that would sustain him, and connect him to the good memories, and remember the good times. He did say thank you, and tears were streaming down, and he said I had forgotten that I was a child of God, I have not prayed in a long time. He said Amen Brother, and I will be back.

What a experience!!
Thought it was worth sharing.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Jacob - it is so good to read your testimonies of what you and God are doing there in Detroit. I think of you often and every week you are on our prayer list here in Vancouver. Detroit Hope Community of Christ has a very special place in my heart.
I am your #1 church-plant cheerleader! Keep up the good work! Keep listening to the Spirit! You are a blessing to that area.