David's Testimony
This Is My Testimony, By: David McCray
I guess being baptized is a really good feeling, especially with all the support you get from other people and sometimes from people you don't even know. To be excepted into to a family that dose'nt even know you that well, and for them to except you so wellingly is hard to put in words. When you think about all the bad things on the news and just bad things impiticular you forget where the world even started and who created it. We are downgrading ourselfs in society and my goal is to let people know it's not all bad and I would like to build my community based on Joy, Hope, Love, and Peace. So to be excepted into a family that basically has the same goals as myself is more that I could ever hope for. I am honored to be a part of this family and I wish to to change every persons life I am invited into. I have so much more to say but I am trying to make this as brief as possible, so thankyou for being my brothers and sisters I love you all.
Your brother forever, David R. McCray