Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hi, this is Pastor Jacob,

Here is a list of some of the news items that we have had from the past year. I hope you enjoy reading the list, a letter I am preparing for the confrence will come later.

Detroit Hope News

Public Relations, Three Pamphlets
Emerging congregation
Congregational Partnerships
Field Fundraising
Upgrades on Facility,
Mission Trip
Detroit Hope Garden
3 service discipleship sessions, Adult biblestudy 5:00 Tuesday,
Pizza Church 5:30 Wednesday,
Sunday Evening 5:30 Service
2 Baptisms this summer
Looking to get Tech Center Re-Opened
57 Last Wednesday
19 Sunday
18 Adult Bible Study
Starting Stewardship and Discipleship
Seminary Study
January and May Intensive Seminary Study
October Preservation of Safe Night, Angels Night, Halloween
Christmas Program December 18th
Field Meeting
Church Planter Retreat
Adult Biblestudy reading the New Testament, Currently Romans