Second week of this new Spiritual Practice of Journaling 5-13-10
You guessed it, Im late in this post. I thought better late than never, and I also thought, I will get back onto mondays. I have had some interesting discussions this week, and we may be charted on a new direction here with Detroit Hope.
Some Good news you should know about and pray for.
*David Shelton, one of our youth is graduating from Cody High School this spring. A big YO BUDDY! He is the first in my reconing that we have had that has finished high school outright since we have been here. Not inlcuding GED or Night School. This is a big splash over the damn that is our ignorance and injustice when it comes to our youth in our community in Northwest Detroit becoming educated to be at their greatest potential. Pray for David, his finals, and his continuing future.
*We have two World Service Corps Interns starting this summer, and they will bring a great deal of experience, gifts and talents to the Detroit Hope congregation. We will utilize these skills to provide a greater ministry to those we have not yet met, but it will also allow us to further provide pastoral care wherever our presence may reach to in this Detroit area.
*We have a Senior High Group from my home area being led by Delia Jones, Terry Jones, Julie Elliott from the areas of Lamoni Heartland Missioncenter, and Prarie Bluffs Missioncenter to come to Detroit Hope and help us out with some projects and ministry while experiencing and participating in this awesome ministry. They are also taking a trip to Toronto for a day or so, and taking a tour of the World Religions Ministries Center and then returning to Detroit Hope.
*We have a point system now that will allow our youth to attend Reunions, Camps and Spec. If you would like to contribute money to these hard-working, ministry-inspired youth so that they can go to camp please call Pastor Jacob at (313)515-8955.
*Pray for us, as we endevor to find new energy and spirit of mission, sent and called by God to be a blessing in this specific location. Our Team meets on sunday and we will discuss changing our worship week schedules, changing our times for community support and outreach, and re-powering our pistons for the great work that is about to come forth.
We are praying for these Yo Buddies in which God is truly working in Detroit, and in our lives and our extended family of members and congregants lives, and we would like you to join in prayers of thanksgiving with us for them.
20 Basketballs for DH from Indiana and Claire and Henry
Dean and McCrays got a new stove and fridge with Cluster Support
New Computer - Bill Kline
David saw his Dad
Grandson Visit
Thank You's to a bunch of people
Mother's Day
Money Donations
Tutoring Program
1st Wedding at Detroit Hope in recent history.
Levi's First Birthday
Mavis Kinney - Not doing well, possible psneumonia Dr. Not sure about diagnosis
Problems with Mom/Dad
Keisha (Vonnie's Mom) -Heart and Blood Pressure Problems
Jobs-For Roomates and All who are out of work.
Auntie is in the Hospital
Darryl Sick, Dimetrius Sick, Need to go to Doctor.
Mom in Hospital for Surgery
Rick's Family Member in Afghanistan
Schools Closing in Detroit
Displaced or Dropped out Students
Saturday the 22nd Block party / Work Day to clean up the neighborhood parks.
Red Wings
Bill Kline Heart Problems
City of Detroit / Detroit School Problems
Mavis Kinney
Relationships in the Church
Teenage Deaths, and abandoned Houses Problems
Teenage Pregnancy
Jobs and Housing
Detroit Hope Internships
More Young People in the church
Mrs Parker, and that the Tutoring program will go better
Ms. Ruth, because we miss her, and her overtime is not paying for the hours she can't be with us.