Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Things Learned in Church Planting or Ministry to Hard Living People. For other church planters, missionaries, and laborers for God.

1. The Gospel (Good News of Jesus Christ) is not reserved just for us. The street slang would be The Gospel is not just about you. This has called me to a servant ministry. When I get all-celebratory about a victory in the church plant, some people feel that it is time for compliments. Sometimes, I will say, "give that glory to God, for without him we wouldn't have any of this." Well friends, I know that in our humanness, sometimes this wears on us, like we have a greater work to do, first it starts wearing on us, I remember comparing our church plant to others. Comparing myself to pastors of other plants. Sometimes for self-gratification and other times for condemnation. I think this is those times when we need a good 'Ol slice of humble pie. The very worst is when it sneaks up on you. You go on serving, serving, serving, and all of a sudden, smack, God reminds you that you are nothing without God. Maybe I have experienced something in an ironic way. Maybe in just a new direction with some flashy new ideas. I found myself here. I think to myself, well, what was so wrong about the old ideas, they worked? They were providing a good needed ministry. I tell you-"A ministry will come and a ministry will come to pass. It is not about us. And the really good God inspired ministries have successors, plans, A, B, and C, and when those don't work you should have remembered to pray first. Then start over with alpha A, alpha B, and alpha C. And don't get frustrated, God has ultimate patience, and we are just privileged to be included and be given grace into involved service. That reminds me, wasn't I doing a count down?

2. So since I mentioned it "We're just blessed to be a part of things." This is Gods work, not ours. The sooner we get this in our heads, the better off and humbly favored we may be. I think about all of the God inspired callings that must go out, un-answered and still left as raw potential. When we answer the call, God gives us a responsibility to seek God out for instructions. Pray. Pray. Pray. And that is my first tip to discernment. It is the only unifying factor to discernment practices, they all have something to do with petition and listening prayers. Or at least they should.

3. God won’t give us anything we can’t handle. I know this from experience, I have a testimony of losing my father, coming from farm country to Detroit, being offered drugs and inviting the same man to Church. Somehow, our strength, our courage and our patience can get us through anything if we only ask for help. Even through boring meetings because, to all you missionaries out there, you never know where you might find an opportunity to find a supporter to network with amongst you and find a great Ally for Gods mission.

4. A missionary pastor, church planter needs ultimate patience. Jesus needed time away from his flock to refill, so do you. Sometimes, it would be easy to get angry, lose patience, and blow off the handle. I have seen church planters get so upset they just tackled somebody they thought deserved it. We can get stressed out and burned out, and lose patience, but even Jesus needed a Sabbath away from Peter and the disciples constant questions. Many of us don’t know the answers. We need to have a fog of patience, do not be afraid to say, “I don’t know, let me ask a few people.” Or “Could you let me get back to you on this?” It works wonders, and please follows up with this. It will make you a better minister of pastoral care, but also a better disciple because you tended even the most trying congregants.

5. Find Your Sabbath. What is Sabbath? Well a good bible scholar might be able to tell you, but I think the great thing is, we are not defined a day. Some other denominations will say of course it is this certain day; it is the first day in the week. Others will say, the Sabbath day is the seventh day, the last day in the week. Well folks “News flash” God doesn’t work on our time, and the Mayan calendar we follow now was not in print in the Roman culture of Jesus day nor are we sure which day God Created first on. This could be debated forever. Go Jump, anyone that wants to sign up for this go right ahead. I was told by a great mentor that Sabbath is anything and any time that fills you up personally, emotionally, physically and most important spiritually. No I am not talking about one of those feeding house churches although some people attend congregations other than those they are ministering in to be “filled spiritually”. I am talking about a sacred time thing, a sacred activity, or a sacred practice. I know of quite a few people that get caught up in their ministry and all consumed by it until they can’t breathe or until they have re-scheduled their vacation three times. A good missionary leader needs to schedule it out, and have people hold them accountable to it. What kind of activities am I talking about? Those things that are usually associated with God given gifts or really positive childhood experiences. I know a church planter that when he gets burned out, he goes to like three movies one afternoon with popcorn and the works and just vegges until he has fully immersed himself in an alternative world. This may work for you. Another mentor of mine, takes one day out of his week for an easy going day, of getting up, having morning coffee, easy meals all day and a day filled with woodworking in his shop. Others seek nature. Some seek God to refill them in creation. Others fish, baiting worms to catch that big one. To have a great fish tale and to mark that great fishing hole of their list. I paint, draw and do anything artsy. There is something for me, like the woodworker in creating like God. We are after all created in God’s image, so why not rest, mind, body and soul, like God did on the seventh day. We just need to look into what perks our interest, and see if we get re-fueled in the process.

6. Don’t be a hero. Well some of you comic book fans may remember this line from many a zombie movie, or western, maybe a marvel comic or two. I say it applies to church planting and hard living ministries because frankly we need checks and balances. We need teams. We need those people who push back, give us checks, like body-checking in basketball just to see where you are, defend you, and have your back when you need a friend, or a bail out of trouble. In teams you will never hear risk management breathing down your neck because you will always have a witness. Also, we get a big head sometimes and we get into trouble and get burned out or put out from some great ministry God would like us to do. (See all above lessons learned) I just know, like Moses, we could easily miss an opportunity for some God blessings, like “the promised land” if we think we are the deliverer and forget that God is. There is a reason that Jewish people focus on the stories in the Old Testament, because their heroes had been honored, and fell from honor and only by Grace we’re God’s people saved. Mostly I am telling you, the world is cutthroat, you need a friend, or team, realize you are not always or ever the leader, and thank them and give them due deserving pats on the back to save your volunteers.

I know I will have more later, let me just think of them and be re-inspired. Thank you.