Friday, June 18, 2010

Mission Trip 2010 Lamoni Heartland/Prairie Bluffs Missioncenter
How They brought us both Peace and Justice.
Okay Folks, It has been a week or more, since the blogger went down, on the monday routine, and I have a lot to tell you about. Yes, it is Friday, not Monday, but I needed a day of rest from our mission trip to be able to get up and think about all the blessings that came into being in the short time that Lamoni Heartland and Prairie Bluffs Mission center Senior High group came to Detroit. I want you all to realize something. In 4 short workdays, with 3 to canada, and 2 to travel, these youth put up some amazing support of Detroit Hope Community of Christ. I must say they have left a lasting impression and will be sorely missed. They evoked a revival type spirit that inspired us, and gathered steam for a great summer to come in 2010. Here are just a few comments about the work projects:

Vacation Bible School - This was put on by every youth participating and Becky from the Council Bluffs Area. They did Studio Go, a resource produced by group or youth specialties, and it focused on Saying yes to God, Obeying, Leading, and Listening, like the bible heroes and heroines tell us. Over all they had great attendance that had to pick up steam, but by wednesday they had two hopping classes that rotated through theme class, crafts class, recreation, snack and a bible/music class. Overall, I thought it was amazing. And it was Detroit Hope's very first Vacation Bible School. Yo Buddy!

Painting The Foyer - I must mention this one first among the work projects. It was an amazing work that was led by Terry, Deb and many full and strong supporting cast Senior High. I wouldn't be suprised one bit to find that everyone in one way shape or form contributed to the job. They painted floor to ceiling, and the trim around every door, window and along the floor and ceiling moulding. Terry and Deb spent tireless time, energy and effort during the days, and during some lunch times working to get the job done. Yo Buddy!

I'll write more later, we are under a severe weather warning, hail hitting my window, I am getting off of the net.